By creating a digitally accessible environment, we can help our students succeed at their highest potential!

Here is my accessible video:

This YouTube Video talks about the importance of digital accessibility and how creating an inclusive environment for all is so beneficial for everyone’s success.

How much did you know about digital accessibility prior to this week? Was this ever a topic you considered previously?

Prior to being enrolled in this class I did not have much experience learning about digital accessibility. I have never learned or participated in any discussions around this topic but am so curious to learn more, as I believe it’s extremely important as a future educator. Closed captions on videos are as far as I have learned about digital accessibility, as they are a great tool to use for students who are hard of hearing.

Are there any digital accessibility practices that you often see being missed? Are there any that you know YOU often miss?

Looking back on my past experiences in and out of the classroom, I have never engaged in any dialogue surrounding the importance of digital accessibility nor can think of any examples provided by previous teachers. Reflecting on this, I find this quite problematic as so many students would benefit from having accessibility practices incorporated into their classroom. I am eager to learn more, and am hoping I can bring this to my future classroom experience during my practicum.

Why do you think many digital accessibility practices aren’t more well-known or commonly used?

I think that digital accessibility practices might not be commonly used because teachers may not have the proper training to include this in their classroom. It also is a somewhat new topic in the teaching world, so it may be something that is not even in semi-retired teachers radars. I think another reason may be teachers may not think there is any major benefit to incorporating these practices, if there are no students in their classroom that they feel fit this practice. I do believe this will change eventually as more younger teachers hop on board and start to really incorporate more tech savy ways of learning.

In addition to these points, I have found a really insightful website that discusses into further detail the importance of digital accessibility for both teachers and students.

“Digital accessibility ensures that users with disabilities can navigate, perceive, and interact with content. Digital content that is inaccessible violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and hinders our ability to provide equal educational opportunity for all learners. Content that is designed to be accessible and inclusive benefits all students, including English language learners and struggling students.” (Gray, 2022).